Saturday, January 31, 2009

Operating in the Urgent Mode

I collect clip art like some people collect coins or stamps. I never know when I'm going to need something for a project. But then I'm never quite sure when I'm going to do a project.

I seem to have the philosophy these days to do whatever is "Urgent" that day. I'm a real procrastinator. Getting down to the deadline is when I do my best work. Well, actually when I think about it I've probably done things in this mode all my life.

I make that "to do list" almost daily, but it's the item that has "bubbled to the top" that gets done. Last week I had two days -- Wednesday and Thursday -- that had nothing on the calendar. I thought I'd get a lot of things done. But those two days filled up quickly in the two days at the beginning of the week. A nail appointment got changed from Monday to Wednesday; my husband decided we should go shopping for those shelves I wanted him to put in my closet. I did get to do some reading. I'm reading General and Mrs. Washington, which is full of details that I never knew. Oh, I also got a couple of naps in.

Check out my website, to see what's new.

Until the next time.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Faye!

    I totally get the "bubble to the top" syndrome. :-) I have my daily routines down so my must do's to keep my household running get done, but I have a perpetual "wish-list" of fun projects I would love to tackle that sometimes take over all plans I've made and I loose a whole day, or two.

    I'm going to esty to see your card right now! Thanks for following my blog!
