Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Unexpected and Welcome Visit

I had an unexpected visit from my brother this week. It was for two days and nights. We visited a cousin and his wife and caught up with them. The next day we visited the Gallery on the York so my brother could see what takes some of my free time and passion. Then we spent several hours visiting the Hampton Museum and had lunch at the Grey Goose.
After lunch, the three of us visited two dear long-time friends (cousins to my two cousins--on the other side of the family. My brother had not seen them for many years and was anxious to catch up with them as were they.
Now that is the way to spend an unexpected and welcome visit with my husband and brother.
I hope you will catch up with some loved one(s). Relationships is what life is all about.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New additions to my online catalog

The sun is shining today and I've finally gotten out of my funk and added some items to my online catalog at The picture at the right is one of my photographs that I have added. It is a hillside in Lucerne, Switzerland, in the springtime. Check out my website to see what else is new.
I worked with the Friends of the Library this morning. We didn't seem to have time for much laughter today, but we really worked hard and got a lot of new items posted on
Gotta go. I'd better work while I'm in the mood. Never know when it will end.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hooray for sunshine!!

We had a week of rain and dark skies. The sun finally came out yesterday, but the forecast is for rain again in a couple of days. I feel so much better when the weather is nice and I can get out and take a walk. Today is my day to stay in my studio until I get some work done for my businesses and Photographs and Cards by Faye.
It seems I now have something to do or someplace to be every day of the week. I love what I do, but sometimes I need to just "be". That's when I can just daydream and do nothing.
On Monday I went to work with the gang at the Friends of the Library to sort books for upcoming booksales and online sales. It is a joy to work with these friends who make me laugh. We keep reminding ourselves that we need to stop taking things so seriously; life is meant to be enjoyed.
Yesterday I was volunteering at the Gallery on the York. Being surrounded by the creative art produced by the artists is such an inspiration. I love Hazel Camp's watercolors. There was one that make me smile yesterday--it was a large vase of flowers and was done in shades of purple. I had not noticed it before, but it jumped out at me and produced all kinds of lovely thoughts and feelings.
Well, enough for today.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring is almost here!!

I don't know about you, but spring is one of my favorite seasons--I love the beauty of the flowers, the green of the grass, the birds looking for a place to make a nest--and the main thing I like: warm weather and not having to wear a coat!!!

We're home from our trip to Florida and Louisiana. Loved seeing our children's family and my sister and her husband.

Every day is full, but I am doing the things I love. What more could I want. Yeah, I know the economy is bad and things look dismal, but I count all my blessings everyday. And I have many to be thankful for.

I hope you will do the same. Find something special in you life and enjoy it every day.

'Til next time.
