Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sad Goodbyes

My friend, Robbie, left 2 weeks ago for a trip to see her mother. Unfortunately, her mother had a stroke and was not given a good prognosis. Robbie and her family have held vigil at the hospital for the entire time, knowing it was just a matter of time.
Her mother passed away this morning, and no matter how much time you have to prepare yourself, you're never ready to have to say that final goodbye.
Robbie knows how much we all love her and how much we share her sorrow at this time. But, it's never wrong to tell someone that you feel their pain.
Is there someone that you know who is in pain because of the loss of a loved one? If so, let her (or him) know you're there to share the the loss.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy 4th of July

My neighbor and friend, Jean, certainly knows how to celebrate! Whatever the occasion!

We have no plans for the holiday, but whatever we do it will be a great day. I'm so glad to have been born and to have lived these many years in the United States. May we all think about the sacrificies made by so many in the past to form this country and to keep it safe.

If you haven't seen the movie "John Adams", please rent it or borrow it from someone who owns it. It's a long one, a long mini-series. We recently watched one episode a night until we finished it and enjoyed it very much.

A couple of weeks ago we went see our son for the weekend and we went to Mount Vernon to see the home of our first President. Hope you can go soon!

If you see someone currently serving in the armed forces, remember to say "thank you for serving."

Happy 4th.

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Photographs and Cards

I have so many photographs that I've taken in the last five years that have been downloaded to my computer. There are so few of them that I have actually done any thing with. I'm in the process of going through all the files and looking at each one to see if I can see myself doing something with it. Would it make a nice framed photograph or a new set of note cards? Maybe a greeting card? I'll be sharing some of them on this blog. If you see something you really like, let me know and I will send you a signed 5x7 that you can frame. Of course I'll need your address--
Here's a photograph I took of the roses my husband sent to me for our last anniversary. I have a similar photograph on a set of note cards for sale at www.cardsonline.etsy.com. Check it out.
Look for my next photograph!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm back!!!!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since April. Life has been happening and swept me right off my feet, but I'm firmly planted now and will be posting to this site regularly.

My new position on the Board of Directors for the Yorktown Arts Foundation has required at least one full day each week, but I'm enjoying it. The Foundation has a gallery, Gallery on the York, which I'm responsible for the operation of. Therefore, I have cut back on my work with the Friends of the Library to one day a week. I'm doing some work for the FOL at home. We sell donated and library discards on line at the site http://alibris.com/ and I add books to the site. The site has been very successful for us and requires several hours a week to add the books. Our seller name is West Avenue Books. If you have time, check out the site and look for one of those out-of-print books that you haven't been able to find.

My sister from Florida was here for a few days earlier this month and was here to help celebrate my birthday. Actually, I think I celebrated for a week. She and her husband and two of our friends joined us for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. Our reservation was for 1:30 and it was 4 o'clock before we got out of there. A great time was had by all.
The picture at the top of the blog is one I have entered in a show. It is a picture I took in November in Colonial Williamsburg. I've entitled the picture "Your Carriage is Ready".
Watch for my next blog,

Friday, April 3, 2009

Olive Tree and Urn

This picture was taken last year when we were in Italy. I was going through my photographs and came across this one. I posted it today to my online catalog, cardsonline.etsy.com.
When I took the picture, I was taking a picture that was well composed and looked neat through the eye of my camera. I take pictures that, for me, capture a moment in time. Today when I was looking at it, I saw that moment in time, but I saw more. The olive tree is mentioned in the Bible as well as urns. They represent food (olives and olive oil) and drink (water at the well).
Let's stop and be thankful for what we have.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


These are two photographs I have recently added to my online catalog, cardsonline.etsy.com. They are two of my favorites. Of course I say that about a lot of photographs.

The one on the top is a photograph of a country lane in early spring when the leaves are new and a lovely shade of green with a touch of a purple flower.
The one on the bottom was taken when we stopped by a river in Tennessee and watched the fisherman in the serenity of the early morning.
Visit my website and see some of my other work. My photographs can be purchased in all the normal sizes, matted or unmatted. They can also be used for the front of notecards, which I personally print.
Check back later to see my latest post.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Unexpected and Welcome Visit

I had an unexpected visit from my brother this week. It was for two days and nights. We visited a cousin and his wife and caught up with them. The next day we visited the Gallery on the York so my brother could see what takes some of my free time and passion. Then we spent several hours visiting the Hampton Museum and had lunch at the Grey Goose.
After lunch, the three of us visited two dear long-time friends (cousins to my two cousins--on the other side of the family. My brother had not seen them for many years and was anxious to catch up with them as were they.
Now that is the way to spend an unexpected and welcome visit with my husband and brother.
I hope you will catch up with some loved one(s). Relationships is what life is all about.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New additions to my online catalog

The sun is shining today and I've finally gotten out of my funk and added some items to my online catalog at http://cardsonline.etsy.com. The picture at the right is one of my photographs that I have added. It is a hillside in Lucerne, Switzerland, in the springtime. Check out my website to see what else is new.
I worked with the Friends of the Library this morning. We didn't seem to have time for much laughter today, but we really worked hard and got a lot of new items posted on Alibris.com.
Gotta go. I'd better work while I'm in the mood. Never know when it will end.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hooray for sunshine!!

We had a week of rain and dark skies. The sun finally came out yesterday, but the forecast is for rain again in a couple of days. I feel so much better when the weather is nice and I can get out and take a walk. Today is my day to stay in my studio until I get some work done for my businesses cardsonline@etsy.com and Photographs and Cards by Faye.
It seems I now have something to do or someplace to be every day of the week. I love what I do, but sometimes I need to just "be". That's when I can just daydream and do nothing.
On Monday I went to work with the gang at the Friends of the Library to sort books for upcoming booksales and online sales. It is a joy to work with these friends who make me laugh. We keep reminding ourselves that we need to stop taking things so seriously; life is meant to be enjoyed.
Yesterday I was volunteering at the Gallery on the York. Being surrounded by the creative art produced by the artists is such an inspiration. I love Hazel Camp's watercolors. There was one that make me smile yesterday--it was a large vase of flowers and was done in shades of purple. I had not noticed it before, but it jumped out at me and produced all kinds of lovely thoughts and feelings.
Well, enough for today.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring is almost here!!

I don't know about you, but spring is one of my favorite seasons--I love the beauty of the flowers, the green of the grass, the birds looking for a place to make a nest--and the main thing I like: warm weather and not having to wear a coat!!!

We're home from our trip to Florida and Louisiana. Loved seeing our children's family and my sister and her husband.

Every day is full, but I am doing the things I love. What more could I want. Yeah, I know the economy is bad and things look dismal, but I count all my blessings everyday. And I have many to be thankful for.

I hope you will do the same. Find something special in you life and enjoy it every day.

'Til next time.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where in the world is Faye?

I've been busy with life and haven't gotten around to writing anything, which is no excuse for anything.
We are on vacation and loving it. We are currently in Florida and are staying with my sister and her husband. Actually it's like being at a resort. The weather has been warm and feels really good.
My son and his family live nearby which is nice. Yesterday we went to the YMCA for a basketball game. The boys appeared to be about 7 or 8 years old. I was impressed with how focused they. The real reason we attended the game was to see our granddaughter cheer. Today we went to see our grandson play base ball. He pitched the entire game. They won!
Spend time getting to know your family--they're the most important people in your life. Which brings me to say "thank you" to my niece who is now a follower of my blog. She has a great blog also.
Until next time.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Operating in the Urgent Mode

I collect clip art like some people collect coins or stamps. I never know when I'm going to need something for a project. But then I'm never quite sure when I'm going to do a project.

I seem to have the philosophy these days to do whatever is "Urgent" that day. I'm a real procrastinator. Getting down to the deadline is when I do my best work. Well, actually when I think about it I've probably done things in this mode all my life.

I make that "to do list" almost daily, but it's the item that has "bubbled to the top" that gets done. Last week I had two days -- Wednesday and Thursday -- that had nothing on the calendar. I thought I'd get a lot of things done. But those two days filled up quickly in the two days at the beginning of the week. A nail appointment got changed from Monday to Wednesday; my husband decided we should go shopping for those shelves I wanted him to put in my closet. I did get to do some reading. I'm reading General and Mrs. Washington, which is full of details that I never knew. Oh, I also got a couple of naps in.

Check out my website, cardsonline.etsy.com to see what's new.

Until the next time.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday's Post

A the left is my new birthday card created today. It's 5x7 on whitebristol 67-lb cardstock and includes an envelope. Check it out at cardsonline.etsy.com. The front of the card can be used as a 5x7 photo to be framed.
At the end of December I resigned my seat on the Newport News Friends of the Public Library (NNFPL) Board of Directors. Today I was appointed to the Yorktown Arts Foundation (YAF) Board of Directors. It's time to turn to the artistic side of me and start spending more time on my love for photography. I love working at the Gallery on the York, the YAF's Gallery for display of many types of media, which I currently do as a Day Manager two half-days a month. I'm planning to continue working with the NNFPL West Avenue Regulars to sort and sell book donations.
Gotta go to get a shingles vaccine shot and then on to our friends, Billy and Penney Martin, to play hand and foot with Billy and Penney and our other friends, John and Mary Syran.
Retirement is so much fun--and busy!
Until later,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just Thinking....

This is the latest card I've added to my online catalog at cardsonline.etsy.com. The picture on the front is a photograph I took on our Alaska trip a couple of years ago.

I read an article this morning that talked about the need for relationships and how isolated people have become since the invention of the Internet. All communication is done by e-mail, text messages, cell phone, facebook....you get the idea. No more long (or short) handwritten letters; no more cards that you choose for that certain person, write a few words (or your name)--if you remember you send a quick e-card. No more opening that envelope and reading and re-reading the letter or card.

I'm as guilty as anyone else. I make note cards and greeting cards and even have a website to sell them, but rarely send them to friends and family. I'm going to work on remedying that. Hope you will think about it and make it a goal to send those cards and letters--and if you need to purchase the cards, go to my online catalog and purchase a supply. If you'll send me an e-mail at cardsonline@cox.net telling me that you read about my cards at this blog, there will be no shipping charges.

Have a great evening.

Friday, January 16, 2009

What have I missed?

It's been a while since I posted anything. I don't know where the time has gone, but I've been really busy. I thought I was supposed to be retired, but I am as busy as when I worked. But the things that I do now are a lot more fun.

It has gotten really cold here. No snow yet, but it would be nice. The picture above is from last year. This was taken early in the morning, and by noon it was gone.

Hope you have had a chance to see my website: cardsonline.etsy.com
If not, take a look and you might find the right photograph or card(s). Let me know what you think at cardsonline@cox.net.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Capturing the Moment

I'm all about looking for moments to capture. After my husband, Bob, and I left our son's house after a visit with him in Northern Virginia, we came across this old truck in a flower bed beside the highway. We couldn't fine a place to pull over and take the photograph. So we stopped, looked both ways, and seeing no traffic, I rolled down my window and took this picture from the car. I had it printed as an 11x14 and had it framed. It now hangs on "the gallery" wall in my house and is one of my husband's favorite. Everything on the wall is for sale and they are eventually put on display at the Gallery on the York where I display my work.

For now,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Card Maker

As a card maker, I'm always looking for inspiration to come up with a new card or a new line of cards. I try to be constantly adding something new to my catalog. Since I've been making and selling cards for four years now and have a fairly large inventory, I'm adding some of those cards along with new creations.

My favorite cards are the note cards or greeting cards that use my photographs on the front. The front of the card can be removed from the card and you have a small photograph. I especially love the beautiful flowers that I have and continue to photograph. I get a lot of special requests for a special creation. I have used old photographs provided to me by the buyer to be used on the front of the card for birthdays and anniversaries.

I saw one woman was in the card section of a local department store trying to find a 60th anniversary card, with no luck. She said she had looked everywhere. I told her I would love to make the card for her, which I did. She provided the feeling she wanted and some key words for the inside message. She was delighted with the card, and I had a new customer with some referrals.

So long for now,

Monday, January 5, 2009

A photograph from Italy

I just checked out my friend Diane's blog,
and was really blown away by the drawings she posted today and yesterday. This was the first time I had seen them, and I knew she had a lot of talent, but these are really, really good. So check them out.

I have no drawing talent whatsoever, which is why I do photographs. The photo today is from our trip to Venice in May. After retirement in 2004, I bought a digital camera and became hooked! I found that I could capture a moment in time and revisit it through my photographs. I now have three cameras and keep one with me all the time. Other photographs can be found at my Etsy site, cardsonline.etsy.com.

It's back to opening boxes and sorting books that have been donated or discarded by the library branches. Diane and I both are members of the Friends of the Library. The books are sold at book sales and online to raise money for the library system programs.

Have a great day,


Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Outing This Morning

I had to do a couple of errands this morning, specifically to go by the Gallery on the York and pick up my items that didn't sell at the Holiday Show and stop at Costco on the way home to pick up a chicken pot pie.

While at the gallery I picked up a couple of pictures that had been hanging there for a while and hung up replacements. Last spring I was juried in as a participating artist to display my photographs (and hopefully to sell them). I also have matted photographs and some of my note cards and greeting cards for sale there. This gallery is a rare jewel in the art community here. It is the gallery for the Yorktown Arts Foundation and sells fine arts, jewelry and gifts. If you have the opportunity, stop by and take a look at my work as well as all the other work.

Now for the new goal for the year. After leaving the gallery, I was driving along the highway when I realized I was almost at the place where I needed to turn. I glanced in my mirror and didn't see anyone in the turn lane, so I started moving into the turn lane, when I saw a car almost on my bumper. So, for the new goal--I need to be more aware of the traffic around me so I don't cut someone off like I did this morning. Now if I can just remember to add it to the long list of goal for this year.

Until the next time,


Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

We had a quiet New Year's Eve--a dinner party at the home of friends in our neighborhood. We left at 10 p.m.; everyone else was still there. I don't know how many were there at midnight.

Two of my goals for the new year were to straighten the attic and sort through all my books. Those two things became the first ones attempted in 2009. I spent most of yesterday sorting through the books and today straightening the attic. I'm about half-way through the tasks. I like to get organized before I start working on all my projects.

Don't forget to check out my catalog of cards and photographs at cardsonline.etsy.com All of my items are guaranteed to please. For those of you who are my friends and live in the area, you can avoid shipping charges by picking up your order. I will accept local checks.

I'm working on lots of new items and will be adding something new every day (ok, may every other day). So watch to see what's new.

Make 2009 the year to start writing notes and letters and sending greeting cards. We all love to get a handwritten note or card in the mail. E-mail is ok, but doesn't replace the personal touch!!

Happy New Year,
